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by | Feb 23, 2023 | Uncategorized

How do your beliefs dictate your destiny?

Early on when we were very young, and not fully conscious and at the time we no longer remember we had experiences, and we gave meaning to them 

Even if we had a good childhood – most of us have memories of being overlooked and misunderstood and often these memories are repressed and forgotten, but they are present in our daily lives and relationships. Maybe you heard your parents talk about money and you created a belief that money is hard to make and you have been living through this lens over and over again. We are often consumed with thoughts that don’t feel good, the voice in the head.

These unconscious beliefs, which often, we are not aware of, drain our energy and create an inner conflict in our life. For example, This is the inner conflict that puts you in a resourceless state and we often give up.

In my work, I help you to identify those voices and replace limiting beliefs with new powerful ones.  


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