THE POWER OF GRATITUDE – Success is only built on the success

by | Mar 13, 2023 | Uncategorized

Success is only built on the success

When we are grateful, we naturally tap into the highest energy level, in this state we experience every moment in life as a miracle, we believe that life is always working for our highest good. In this state, we experience peace, clarity, and control.

Our tendency is to focus on problems and what is not working.  We resent where we are now and don’t appreciate the good things in life. But the key to creating everything we want is to appreciate where we are at this moment.

How do we maintain a level of gratitude when we have real problems? How do I find gratitude when I am sick, lost money, and relationships are not going well? The secret to life is to look at every experience as a gift or a blessing no matter what is happening around us. The gift and blessing do not reveal immediately, often time is needed to find the blessing in the problem.

Knowing this eliminates the problems altogether. When we realign our lives so that life is always working for us, no matter what experience we are having. There are no problems inherent in the experience, we manufacture problems by giving meaning to them. The problem is never the problem, our thinking determines what we experience.

Ask Yourself daily what you need to do now to find gratitude and blessing at this moment. What are the 5 things you can be grateful for? By doing this we are building new connections in our brains, and the more we do it, the more naturally it comes to us. Our brain is flexible, but it wants to revert back to the old ways, that’s why we need to do this daily.

Many positive people were not positive their entire lives, but they trained themselves to focus on what was working instead of focusing on the problems.



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